
Here's a quick question, How will your sales survive after their first punch in the face? What if your largest clients decides to cut their spend by more than half? What are the chances you don't get repeat clients? If all you keep is hatching plans for future, compromising your present, sacrificing your today, you blackout.

*Reporter:  β€œI hear your opponent has a clever plan for defensing your left hook.  How do you respond?”  Mike Tyson: "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in face" *

The stark contrast is with the modern education system, where students are prepared to learn by rote, and not question the element of why we are doing this? What we seek in an educational system is how an children develop a capability to self-learn, adapt, survive. And, these qualities are what comes useful, when there is a need. Can you prepare yourselves to take a blow after 2 hours of sales pitch relentlessly?

Are you willing to fall down again, and yet don't give up?

In a sales pitch, you never can predict what happens next, and so does it not matter. You might never think, you would end up selling something too low, or losing a repeat client. Such outcomes are neither planned, non envisaged. One word - Be prepared for future outcomes. Don't predict outcomes. Learn to build your inner-selves. If sales prospects don’t respond to your game plan, and pricing strategies, you may need to change tactics.

COBRA effect

Your directed actions, planned for desired result leads to exactly opposite outcomes. Here's a story that will remind you why its pointless to predict your outcomes.

*In 1900s, when Britain ruled India, perhaps an unique phenomenon brewed. After Mughals, the Brits continued to control India through Delhi, a city that was believed to be infested by cobras. To curb cobra menace, the Brits hatched a plan, and introduced a incentive scheme for controlling the snake population. The scheme – Any person who brought a dead cobra skin would be paid a lump-some. The Brits believed they could effectively get rid of the growing snake problem. Yes, the plan was a roaring success, and worked. *

*The Brits hoped the population would steeply decline. But, to their shocking surprise, neither the cobra population reduced, nor number of dead snake skin bounty hunters came down. Puzzled? *

People in Delhi & neighboring areas had started breeding snakes, and rearing them like chickens for bounty. A lot of these enterprising snake chambers made a bounty by killing the cobras and claiming bounty for dead snake skins. The Brits abolished the scheme. Frustrated & angry the illiterate Delhites who were clueless, unaware what to do with such large cache of snakes, released them by lanes of the old city.

The scheme wanted to solve one problem, but it backfired and created a larger problem, and this outcome was not predictable. Social scientists have given a different name to this effect - "The law of unintended consequences". This is a big break for pricing strategy.

The road to hell, i***s paved with good intentions. ***

Do you lead your sales pitch and digital marketing plan of attack? If not, don't be surprised that you keep crashing into walls. Find if there's a better way. Assuming you will get that unpredictable punch at some point in your sales pitch, ACTION must be part of your plan in the first place. The worst thing you can do is assume you will have clear wind the whole year.



