
  • Sell on your feet, Negotiate on your seat.
  • You can always go down on price, but never go back up!
  • Customer always have to feel he won. Read More →
  • Last 3 words in the SALES Dictionary – Get the Money.
  • Whether the sun comes up, or sets – Better be RUNNING #GoGetter
  • Do whatever it takes.
  • Rush or lose – Don't let a lead go COLD
  • You don't stop selling. Keep the ball rolling.  
  • Loyalty and favor are 2 different words.
  • Don't waste time with laggards.
  • Eliminate fear that keeps you meeting your life goals.
  • Solve a customer's problem. They view you as an asset.
  • Learn how to move on from setbacks.
  • You don't sell one car. You sell 5 cars in 15 years.