
Most sales teams jump right into the selling, without a plan. And, after a few weeks, your pre-sales start realizing the budget is too low, or the committed work is obviously hetic. Time is a commodity which is non renewable, and handling sales objections matters before the deal turns cold.


When your opportunity knocks, keep it short, and stay positive. This can quickly escalate, and sales negotiations could lose control. One big strategy here is dealing a sales negotiations one team at a time.

"You miss 100% percent of the shots you don't take."

When you are passionate about something it is much easier to take the shot. If selling is your passion you have a better chance of being successful salesman. Handling negotiations is always tough, especially when the client understands he can get the product at a much cheaper price, weeks from now.

But not every client likes to wait. Break up the north of how much the customer is willing to pay, and explain profit margins. If you compromise your worth to more customers, you lose repeat business. Always remember, every buyer wants to play poker.

".. Customer always have to feel he won."

In the world of sales, one is always inclined to taking the money upfront, and finding reasons or putting customers in the situation that will make them impulse buy. Nurture relationships. Express your gratitude for loyalty, send consistently provide them discounts incentives, offers, and figure out what appeals them the most. Put your customer's prespectives ahead of every sales pitch.

Enjoy the ride

Grow your business organically, and be passionate about your work. Remove yourself completely from certain functions that take the grind of your daily routine. Best advice – Outsource functions like sales, that keep you busy with daily routines and less worried about handling calls or sales negotiations. There are obviously a lot of challenges ahead work in a startup business, and it doesn't need to be a trial and error, each time.

Keep the lights on.

Not all products on a shelf sell periodically. And, not all products in any inventory have the same price. Assuming you are call salesman, to sell one high end luxury automobile, or 7 average priced cars?

Obviously, your mind would be inclined to selling one over 7. But, not all customers are alike. Larger deals usually take a longer close when huge figures are involved. Obviously a large deal request considerable amount of marketing, branding, and realty. Prospecting in large deals is more hard, as not all buyers are alike.

Working on small details gives less stress on management, and more steam to move on. From the perspective of business owner, it is always wise to keep the lights on, and keep hunting, do the field, and walk on a considerable competitive volume. The challenge for every sales manager is to effectively chase one rabbit at a time – irrespective of how large or small the deal is.

Dealing with objections

Don’t expect a "yes" as soon as you present a sales quote. You always get to object and negotiate, depending on how you handle your objection. Keeping your profit and everyone's benefit in mind, one needs to reach a conclusion that is win-win for both.

Expensive is word relatable to every sales professional, and one reason why you might be losing more deals in negotiation stage, perhaps? Everyone looks for a deal. However dumb it may sound – Giving clients a vauge satisfaction of having succesfully negotiated a sale makes them a happy buyer. And, few can't sleep in peace without having tasted success in negotiations. And, having saved even that trifle % less makes a big difference for penny pinchers.  

"… Sell on your feet, Negotiate on your seat."

Bargain and negotiation are 2 different words. Bargain is part of the negotiation process & is more about the price alone. Most proposals should have a small buffer, and considering the margins you provide a better offer, your prospects would be interested becoming your clients.

Closing sales

Dealing with customer objections as well as negotiations in sales matters to quickly convert leads into real customers. In negotiations, its more about the value that one brings on the table. Closing a deal is critical in sales process and almost always slips out of the sales pipeline. Negotiations are next step to your proposals. Often, a prospect has to feel that warmth or friendliness in your sales proposal to reach negotiations and closure.

Good luck selling!