
Appeal to your buyers' emotions, not just logic.

People buy because of emotions, but they back it up with logic. They justify it with logic derived from their own states of mind. What's the emotional appeal of what you do? Ask, what do people want? Let's consider "Happiness", an emotion. And, a big bucket list like β€” Success, Significance, Lifestyle, Relationships, Money, Recognition. If we notice, all these are simply emotions, and products of emotions. Our primary need as a human being is understanding that feeling. Whatever you sell as a sales representative, justifies some emotional attachment to your buyer. Appeal to your buyers' emotions, not just logic.

A real estate agent, sells a home, perhaps? What are you actually selling is an emotional attachment for many. And what does that mean? A home is more of a lifestyle, where you will probably raise your kids, grow old with spouse, have friends over. When you are selling something, appeal to your buyers' emotions, not just logic! As a sales agent, don't add hypes, but provide a reassurance for your buyer, little bit of excitement why this will be a good choice and show them they are making an investment, not just buying another property.

Here's the big question – What motivates people to buy? How do you sell more of what you have? How do you cut through the noise, and sell faster? Here's 5 emotional reasons why people buy.

  1. Price β€” Best Deal
  2. Selection β€” People buy from places where offer a wide range of selections
  3. Qualify β€” Are your products/services sustainable?
  4. Convenience β€” People tend to buy things without much hustle and waiting.
  5. Personalization β€” You want products/services just for you.

1/.. PRICE

People attach value to things they buy. People often buy based on who gives them a better deal. Who offers the cheapest price wins. When it comes to selling, if you are able to make a all-time low pricing as compared to any of the competitive sellers around you, you make profits.

But, here's a catch – When you compete by price, you die by price. Remember the cola wars? Anyone can further topple you with a significant amount of funding and shake you out of market if price is the only criteria for competitvie engagement.

Assuming you are in the internet business, you might instantly lose competitive advantage when someone offers the same SKU from their inventory, at a little cheaper price, as low as -50 cents. If you think otherwise, its happening even as you book an airline ticket. Welcome to the world of price bots.


People are always picky. If you give them 3 flavors or 31 flavors, kids always keep scrathing your head on what to pick, and what to leave. If you decide to buy a mobile, you might perhaps decide to search the internet, and understand what's the best price online. Often, buyers end up on retailers like Amazon, which has over a crore products and counting to choose their best, and then consider price #2. Thanks to e-retailers. A lot of local markets have died.

When you consider picking grocery, you always tend to choose a hypermarket over supermarket, a supermarket over a small kinara shop. And, that's the law of choices. No wonder, why the bread always falls flat on the buttered sunny side. The advantages of visiting a hypermart are many, as you reduce the overall time to visit multiple stores! One of the big reasons why Alibaba, Flipkart, Priceline, NetFlix et all has been so successful is the array of options users get to choose from.


People attach to quality. Everyone wants to pay top dollar for eating healthy, paleo and vegan salads, when the cost of a large burger is approximately 1-2 dollars. When you care less about sub-standard, and move on to live a better lifestyle, people are willing to pay a little extra. You can rent a better home for more than commuting 50-60 miles daily and reduce your stress. If people see a value in that quality of living, there is no bottom-line for spending an extra buck.

As a consumer, we could be a either a misery price buyer –or– a heatlhy quality buyer. How we decide to spend that extra buck makes us different. From a consumer prespective, each of us has a persona that defines how we spend that extra buck. Some spend on lavish lifestyle, some eating healthy, a few on entertainment, and most on gadgets. And, people are willing to spend a premium even if they seem to be totally broke!


Convenenice is a huge selling factor. Will you pay 5 times more for the same product, if it saves time and effort? No wonder why hotels have their fridges stocked with beverages that are priced 2-4x times the normal cost. The same products are priced 4x, and people are willing to pay that extra buck just for the sake of convenience to move out of their hotel rooms to a nearby bar and have a the same drink. Recently, Youtube introduced a way to skip ads by charging $9/month, and many readily were willing to pay extra hoping to save time. F.U, Google!


We don't want products for everybody, but we want products custom, bespokeful, handmade, and crafted specifcially to our tastes. Personalization sells. And, many crazy millionaries are willing to spend a few times more than their net worth to build a yatch, a mansion. Sad reality these crazy buyers have a lot of disposable money that they are able to spend. Personalization is not saving you time, but builds your identity, and is benefits more for those who care a lot about status quo.

Keep hustling folks!