
When it comes to selling, there are many factors that influence a buyer. We are looking at 3 scenarios where a sales maverick can understand how closing can become a passé. Here's an amazing post on factors that influence people to buy!


How do you sell a product/service in such a cluttered, noisy marketplace? People don't buy by logic, they buy with emotions, and justify their decision/purchase with derived logic. For example, while buying a car, a house, it brings an orange emotion in your mind. And, upon careful perspective people want to buy a particular market commodity to calm their inner selves, fear of missing out, dedication, greed, shame, generosity, charity, or an escape to their boring lifestyle – all these buying emotions. Even in marketing, startups add a lot of x-factors, hypes to make a product look different. A word of advice - Don't push your product/services. Don't hard sell the features and benefits. Think about one of those emotional hot buttons, and keep your clients happy. Nobody likes to be sold.


People don't buy their way into something. People are reactive. People very often buying something as-and-when they have a problem. Nobody buys a raincoat during summer, spring or autumn seasons. If it rains, people react, and want to buy their way out of getting wet. People don't buy a drill machine, if they want a hole on the wall, perhaps they want to rent one. If your startup is helping them solve problems, at the right time, you get instant sales. The amount of money that you make is in direct proportion to how deep you understand your market, how pain staking the real-world problem is, versus how much buyers are willing to pay.


Like kids, every buyer is attached to story-telling. Every shrewd marketer out there has captured this emotion in their campaigns. People don't buy, they listen stories. That kicks the big question - How do you add emotions to a commodity? There are so many choices out there, and an ever flooded internet with limitless pricing models. How do you stand out uniquely in such an ocean of buyer-centric opportunities?

What's the difference between a $2 pen versus $800 🖋 Montblanc John F Kennedy limited edition exclusive pen? Nothing's ever is different. Both have the same functions. Why the latter is priced so high, and there a salesman reveals his story.

Can a commodity's value be influenced by a single emotion? When you add the name John F Kennedy the president, a story is well attached to this already convinced brand and makes it 10x more valuable. That's where branding plays an upper crest, especially selling you that luxury commodity.

How can you inject stories into every commodity you sell? Not necessary. It's a hype, and click-bait, perhaps? Experienced sales-men will understand why story-telling must begin with marketing, and story is a great way to handle the most common objection, "Why this is priced so high?" To sell anything to anyone, a sales maverick must understand how to turn something that's a commodity to a story.

Good luck selling. Stay motivated.