To be a successful in sales, it's important to know the brass tacks of your consumer's mindset and understand thoughtful insights that govern the buyer's psyche. Believe it or not, selling is an art. Isn't it obvious that it takes a sales guy more effort to sell a painting at profit than an artist? It's a no-brainer that everything a successful sales representative does is helping him understand consumer and improve one's product/service. There is no secret sauce, psychological tricks or any scientifically proven reasons what makes your consumer to nod their heads. Let's explore in breif what motivates people to buy?

Ballad of Pain Vs Pleasure

Consumers buy when they are in pain or when they are excited! Oxymoronically, pain, and pleasure are two strong emotions that drive a person to buy things. Let's say, you got an unexpected incentive in your salary. Its obvious for a buyer's mind to keep looking for options and speculate what to do with that extra green? Possibly you might take suggestions from your friends, influencers, and family. And, after all that you spend it on something you would consider as a luxury, perhaps! But, why? Think what influcences you?

A select few who go to movies, amusement parks and on a shopping spree buy anything they get their hands on. It's a simple explaination – We tend to spend money when we are happy or sad. Spending is an emotion. And, the more one spends, the lighter they feel about oneself. Spending breaks them from the mudane reality that surrounds them and brings happiness.

Miraculously it's true, when in pain you tend to spend more money – Do you mind your weight after eating a plethora of flavored icecreams, even though you know it's gonna cost you more! Man is bound to have desires and seeks happiness over everything. Everyone seeks a shortcut when he's in pain, and an escape from reality when happy.

Emotional buying is a demand, not just a desire. As a successful sales representative, its your call to hit at the right chords of your consumer's emotions. Emotions could be key drivers. Emotions don't need convincing or consultative selling. Emotions have their way.

*People buy with emotions, and justify with logic. *

Ever wondered, why most SaaS products are sold over a 14-day trial? Many salesmen who wants to promote a product/service, begins working on a trial-close. "Would you like to test drive car?" When you try the product/service, you always leave back a happy expression. It's an emotion that is sold. And, when you understand the positives about the product/service, it prudently boosts an emotional connect and gives you a good reason why it will be a good buy. And, trial-close is a win-win for all customers. Highly recommend for B2B sales.

It's a common tendency to feel right on every decision you make. Here's the catch, when someone buys a product, there should be some motive behind it, but consumers today buy every colorful thing that hits the market every day and then justifty it with their version of logic! The logic part often does no justice to an emotional aspect which drives the consumer to buy the product.

There always are some strong justifications behind people buying a product/service, but one can't find a honest reason behind a buyer's journey in today's uber-crazy world – A few mellenials inspired by social influencers, buy a new phone every few months, even if they already have the latest model, justify their purchase with acceptance, an eagerness to look cool in the eyes of their friend or circles.

Between buying a $500k worth property investment versus a $500k worth private charter jet, many would rather choose the latter as a means to flaunt. A case of pure ego rather than a logical reason why someone would choose to spend six figures on a gasoline monster! Consumers don't mind buying when they are on a streak, and they tend to justify why they bought with a logic after the purchase.

Herd Culture

Thanks to the internet. We are the new definition of the 'herd culture'. Have you ever got free advice from a friend to watch a new movie, or to read a new blog, or a new restaurant that's specialized in making a particular food? And you took the advice seriously! It's no wonder that we believe our friends more than ourselves sometimes, and we buy the same products/services because everyone finds it more appealing. We read reviews to watch a movie, we read comments on products that e-retailers sell and we intend to take an advice from a friends.

What motivates people to buy?

How do you sell more of what you have? How do you cut through the noise, and sell faster? Learn more why price, selection, qualification, convenience & personalization matters for a buyer. Read More ⟶

It boils down to the fact that we believe people around us, who often are influenced or sold by influncers, which culminates to a "herd mentality". An example for herd mentality is perhaps how Avacado, for once was a lesser popular fruit, became overnight sensation with Superbowl ads by a particular brand, became an eye candy for not just binge watchers, but also broke the internet. Thanks to the wave that it made on the internet which saw overnight celebrities endrose this humble fruit, and derived scientific explanations on how it reduces blood pressure.

When we talk sales, its pretty much the psychology of a consumer that matters in the end, and crucial elements that one cannot miss as sales representative. There are an ocean of facts waiting to be uncovered in sales. And as time changes, the market changes – observe, learn and adapt is the way forward.

Happy selling!