Writing product context sounds so simple. You list out features of your products, you upload a few photos, and you add a large button that says; "Buy Now!", right? Wrong! Listing features of your product is only one part of a good product description. Here are few tips on how to write product context that will entice people to click the "Buy Now!" button.



Don't Oversell

Any sales man would also convince the buyer-to overcome their reluctance to part with their money, in a good way. A sales development representative must provide them with a persuasive argument that convinces them to buy your product. Marketing teams must give your entire sales pitch within the limited space of a product page. The sales pitch must get into the mind of the buyer and understand their needs and their objections.

Use a Conversational Tone

People buy from people, not from computers. Write your-product context as though you were describing your product to a friend. Be excited about the benefits of your product. Show your enthusiasm. Use language that the buyer-will be familiar with. Be careful about spelling, punctuation, and grammar as well. A product description that is full of errors will not inspire the confidence of buyers

Understand Your Target Audience

No sales representatives can meet the people who visit your eCommerce site face-to-face, but you can paint a picture of who they are. Understanding who your potential customers are will help you write persuasive product context. Ask yourself these questions about your target audience. What is this person interested in? What needs will my products meet for-this person? Why would this person buy my products and not another product? What might dissuade this person from buying my product? Imagining the buyer as a real person will help you write better product context.

Use Convincing, but Powerful Words

You can make product context more effective by using persuasive language. Some words connect with people on an emotional level better than others. These "power-words" are powerful, forceful, descriptive words. Words such as "amazing," and "awesome", for example, are much more powerful than the phrase "very nice". Never hedge your bets with language on product context. Don't say "This could be the best decision you ever made", use the words "This will be the best decision you ever made". Be decisive and strong in your language, so that there is no doubt left in mind of the buyer.

Concentrate on Benefits

The benefits of a product are far more persuasive than the features are. The features are things such as technical specifications. The benefits are how the product will enrich or improve the buyer's life. A person buying an anti-aging product may look at the ingredients for health reasons. But they will buy the product because it promises to smooth out fine lines and give the skin a healthy glow.

Prompt Buyers to Imagine

Research has shown that people are more willing to buy if they can see and touch a product. That, of course, isnot possible on an eCommerce site. What you can do, though, is paint a picture for the buyer that allows them to imagine the benefits of the product. The best way to do this is through storytelling. If you were selling a drink, you could say that the drink contains natural ingredients. It would be better, though, to say that your drink is the natural way to quench your thirst on a hot summer's day.

Hook the Buyer in 5 words

Novelists will tell you that it is important to hook the reader on the first page. In product context, you must hook buyer in first paragraph. Make sure that the first thing a buyer sees is a persuasive sales pitch. This might be a bullet point list of the benefits. Or, it could be a punchy, short description of the product. The important thing is to grab attention of any buyers fast. Don't leave them in suspense waiting for the reasons why they should buy. You can expand on any points that you make in introduction further down your product page.

Make Products Content Scannable

Very few people read an entire web page. Most people scan down a page to find the information that they are looking for. It is important, then, that you make your product descriptions easy to scan. You can do this by using subheading's followed by short paragraphs. And, you can use bullet-point lists within your content. Good use of subheadings and bullet points will enable a buyer to see all your key selling points at a glance. Your buyers shouldn't have to work hard to discover why they need to buy your product.

Address Concerns

An important part of understanding your target audience is understanding their concerns. If you know many those concerns are, you can address the objections before they arise. For example, a concern for someone buying a health supplement online is likely to be the safety of the product. If your product is FDA approved, you need to make that clear early in your product description. Likewise, if you were selling toys, a parent's concern will be the safety of their child. They would want to know that there are no small parts in toy and that toy is non-toxic.