So, what's cooking folks! We are making progress building a production ready platform for sales, and one way we can ensure we are keeping our standards is compete globally with peers who are building out practical ideas to reality in 4 weeks. We are currently on a tournament that makes peers evaluate our work, and h̶e̶r̶e̶'̶s̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶r̶e̶f̶e̶r̶r̶a̶l̶ ̶l̶i̶n̶k̶! The idea, the work done via self-reviews, and preferably MVPs would be evaluated on a "weekly" basis.

In a mission to help brands reach more customers and increase profitability, SalesVita provides a SALES-as-a-service platform for brands to hire on-demand, hyperlocal sales professionals. SalesVita aims to help clients automate full sales lifecycle and delivers distinctive value to your on-demand sales representatives and in the end customers.

SalesVita can help sales representatives with data on what they're selling, and is perhaps a smarter way to ultimately reducing sales cycles and improving closures. It strives to make pitching really easy and letting brands know how interested their prospects are making their follow-ups.  SalesVita is 3 words is Doordash for SALES. We are "delivering" on-demand SDRs (sales professionals) to represent your products to a large audience. And, if required we go full-lifecycle for startups that demand work.

Week1 ….

*Ranked #22 in Asia ⟶   Week1 MVP – *

"Great progress! Good luck this week" · · "Great" · Blessing-Ebere-Achu · "Great to know that you have an MVP" · "Congrats on building the MVP." · peteryang · "ok" · DjHWRK-503 · "Nice work" · apollos · "Great" · Marvel-813007 · "Good idea" · spacesly "Keep moving!" · AsOne · "Cool" · Akewugberu-@$ ·

"Could you please give more details ?" · ThirdSense ·

"how do you plan on getting people on board? it's a chicken-egg problem." · chinmays ·

Week2 ….

*Ranked #16 in Asia Week2-MVP

“Try to repost the blog on and try to get it published in any good publication in” –

“Depending where you're based, there are often "entrepreneurial/start up" groups on social media that you can use to connect with likeminded people, maybe securing yourself an accelerator/partner” MAN_AGE

“you have shown an impressive progressive. good job" – Oludavid79 “Nice idea, keep the good work!” – Eibriel “You are doing great job. Keep it up. ” – baramdat “Nice work” – apollos

“Innovative, this will sell really quick, sales team should be top notch proffessionals”Edze

“Keep on working. ” – ThirdSense “Excellent, keep working.” – Value_Alignment

“How do you know that people want this?” – Bluebook_Cities

Not every startup can hire a full-size sales team. Our vision is to utlize a talent pool of great sales men who are well-versed in realizing sales for startups, ON-DEMAND. There is no dreath for supply or demand and having both is an opportunity for SalesVita. Sales is a tough job, and with the right team, its possible to figure how to win successful deals and sell more products/services. We are now focussed pretty much on B2B sales.

Week3 ….

*Ranked #75 in Global ⟶

  • Plan: To integrate Week1 MVP – with Week2-Hyperlocal search.— Find SearchAPIs that work for real-time queries— FINANCE: Current burn is mostly for servers. Manage accounts— MARKETING: Find strategies for marketing & advertisements— SALES: Onboarding paying clients.
  • Actual: Automated tweets. Readership up by 80%. — Tech: Week2-MVP — Marketing: Wrote 5 blog posts, Revue Newsletters. Automated @SalesVita__ — Branding at events w/startup swag. Collated few leads — Finance: Raised small funds for server, expenses — Tech: Pitched @ PyConChennai, GeekNight, and Hacktoberfest (Thoughtworks, Acendas IT Park)

Week3 Reviews

*“A versatile approach to solving the problem. Set clear objectives and their complete solution.” *

*We are a B2B services company. The big problem for our clients is "affordability" of sales function. Most startups can't afford to spend a lot of time and money in HR hiring a full-fleged sales team. There is always no perfect solution to one problem. The product is a success if it sells itself. But, often it takes a critical user base to accept a product. We at SalesVita help you sell. We encourage our clients to choose a plug-and-play sales workforce to scale sales across multiple areas approx around 25 kilometers from their branch offices. *

*“I recommend you give yourself more quantifiable goals. "Get two more leads" for example. That way it will be easier for you to objectively understand your progress.” *

*“Great work! The way that I understand it, it seems like this would be hard to make as a gig-economy service, since salespeople need an extensive understanding of the product that they are selling. Nonetheless, if this works I would love it as a business owner.” – *

*Sales is a demanding job. Not all sales men are equal. And, its wise to rank once's progress. It is often possible to collate people of the same niche based on their prior expertises. There are a lot of great sales men, who once used to sell products like type-writers, fax machines way back their early careers, today pretty competent at selling global 5G carier contracts. Transisition is part of the sales job. *

“Brilliant” – IrfanDean7

*“I like the premise. As an entrepreneur, how would you reassure me that the salepeople will understand and be able to communicate my product to a high enough level? If you can solve that in a clear way, you unlock a lot of confidence.”– johnnymakes *

“Surely that is great idea and will have great future ahead” – baramdat

“I know you all probably know what you're doing, but make sure to stay focused and get customers if you have something that works. It's easy to get distracted by a lot of different things you could be doing.” – pepper

“It seems like you're doing a lot of things. I must say the progress report was not very clear. Also, the app itself isn't clear, when I saw the list of companies in the app it took me a while to figure out where I am. I would add some text at the top of that page that explains wh” – ripper234

*Thank you for your kind words. At SalesVita we are helping companies outsource their sales function and full sales lifecycle. This works pretty much favorable and affordable for startup-level companies who need a sales team on a plug-and-play basis. Much like Doordash/Uber we approach B2B in a consumer centric model. We provide business an direct opportuntity to pitch their latest products/services using professionally trained "on-demand" sales representatives. With a strict professional dress code our SDRs with an in-depth understanding on your products/services and line of business connect with leads. Our SDRs would establish the connect with your potential audience and represent the company on your behelf. The on-demands sales workforce will be entitled for a fixed bonus incentive to help them work faster on any deal closures. *

“I'm not sure "doordash" is the right point of reference unless you are driving straight to their office. It sounds more like Upwork, maybe? Is there a difference in the quality of sales person? If no, maybe consider a flax rate pricing model to make things easy.” – apoll01

*Thank you apollo1. There is a term called MarketNetwork. We are following a NfXstartup model for Network Effects. A market network is pretty different from usual gig-economy model. Honeybooks for example is a typical NfX. More details have been detailed in this post. Trust me, its a good one. SalesVita positions itself as a MarketNetwork unlike conventional gig-economy model startups that benefits just 2 actors. We are simply not limiting the scope of SalesVita to Upwork/Freelancer for SALES. We envision SalesVita to be different by its vision to make a real-time "on-demand" platform for sales professionals. *

Week4 ….

*Ranked #10 in Asia, #51 in Global

1/… Had a Pioneer team call at 1:30AM in the morning despite a power shutdown. The timing was odd and hetic for everyone. 2/… Selected Mentors - Awaiting response. Pending message censorship!

SALES — Inquiries ↑ 92.86%: 14, Qual.offers: 4, Pending sales: 1  – ️MARKETING — 2 partnerships – ️Content ↑ 10 posts, Organic keyword searches ↑ 55.8% – 5.7K views — TECH — Resolved MVP integration issues. – ️FINANCE — Demo pitch'ed 3 potential investors. TECH — Added Algolia SearchAPI (Real-time Search APIs).

This week's reviews.

“Cool” - NewWayToRoastCoffee

“Voted for the progress, but I can't understand what you are building especially looking at”

“Reddit has a great sales community ( which might give you some useful info. Congrats on the progress.” OtterKRodgers

“Good work! I primarily look at site visitors, site users, and paid users for my three primary metrics. It can tell you a fair amount on how people feel when looking at your site. It does not replace talking to users, but it does give you some clues on what questions to ask.”

Week5.. .

*Work in progress on Sales Battlecard (Week5). This week, work-in-progress to enable SDRs use effectively a sales battlecard to handle their client-side pitches.

Sales — 13 Inquiries 77%↑ Qual.offers 2, Pending sales 1 Marketing — Did Sales Battlecards, Funnel strategy Content — 5 X 1250w posts Org.Traffic ↑200 DAU, 21K sessions HR — Hired 1FTE, 2 Interns Finance — Configed ZohoAcct Tech — Real.TimeETA,SDR dashboard Finance —Exploring ↗ Revenue:Exp opp

What's for next week?

To focus on SALES!⚡️ Tech — Work on carryovers: Kalman filters -NextWk Tech — Improve MVPs, To focus on improving SDR dashboard, admin. HR — Train interns on role of SDR. Content — Focus on Content Distribution Maketing –  To focus on low cost Marketing methods. Finance — To focus on revenue generation strategies.

What would you like feedback on from the community?

*What 3 metrics do you value most? Effective methods to increase B2B SALES Would you subscribe SalesVita? It's FREE!

Week5 reviews

  • “good job” — Mike44
  • “Wow, what an update - congratulations on the progress :-) I would recommend cleaning it up / using less abbreviations. It is a lot of info, but it is hard to comprehend. Keep up the good work!” —
  • “Less jargon - "DoorDash for SALES B2B…" - too complicated, use English 5 grader would understand. Why don't you have a heading on your website? I want to know in 5 seconds or less what you do and what benefit it'll bring me. Read a book called StoryBrand. Good job on DAU.” —
  • “interested” — Ai_bomboleilo


*Attended 2AM PioneerWeeklyCommunity call Week5. *

*⚡️ SalesVita.COM ⟶ DoorDash for SALES MarketNetwork (NfX) for On-Demand SDRs (Sales Dev Reps) Audience: B2B | What's NfX?

Sales— Total inquiries 11 ↗ 36.36%, 2 Trial conversion, 1 Pending sales Marketing — Did OKR strategy, Proof-of-concept for clients Content — Org.Traffic ↗ 15AU,300 DAU Tech — Tried Automation, RPA for Leads pool. Good ↗ in ratio HR — Started training 2 Interns on Sales

What's next week?

Work on OKR Metrics for Client sales dashboard. Work on Effective methods to increase B2B sales

What would you like feedback on from the community?

  • MISC —Attended 2AM PioneerWeeklyCommunity call, this 5th week.

.. Are you a into SALES? Check

This blog will be updated every 48 hours. Keep reading!