
This energy drink company used pyschological manipulation to make people, buy its drinks, and here's how. Read on… FACT: RedBull is a crap drink, fully loaded with caffine and artificial sweetners. No wonder why people buy this drink, but to have the feel of 'being in the zone'.

The story starts in London, where RedBull was trying hard to capture the youth market, by simply dumping empty RedBull cans into garbage. Sounds ridiculous, but true! At a time when the market was highly competitive, and on a very limited budget, the marketing secret worked wonders by deceving people into buying - courtesy, the empty cans littered all around London.

RedBull grew its entry marketshare simply by dumping empty cans in dumpsters of London. People who saw the cans, were anchored with the pyschological bias of FOMO, and began to consume this drink! The young party goers were hooked, and the marketing gimmick worked! They were convinced its an ideal drink to keep them going all night. Hello, caffine! The world demands social proof, and Redbull faked it the perfect way.

Happy reading!
