
From your team's sales effectiveness to pratical conversion techniques used to nuture client-side facing relationships, it is important every aspect of your client's sales funnel has to be consistently optimized for its success. According to data from 2019, 80% of sales agencies surveyed want to improve the quality of their leads. As a sales manager, its important each member of your B2B sales team to achieve 100% of what they are capable of as a sales expert.

Do you know what your buyer wants?

Every prospect has same buyer-centric motivation. Trusting blinding on motive doesn't land you anywhere. You own the product, and if you are approached give them room for a good conversation and understand what they weigh most - value or price? Many sales representatives get emboiled in canned emails and often forget to listen to what the client actually wants. Fine-tuning your client-side listening is a skill you can have and its also perhaps one of the savviest moves you can make as a salesperson. We cannot hope to capitalize on your golden-ribbon leads, if your sales team isn't prepared for accelerated sales. Remember Glengarry Glen Ross? ⟢

"Don't watch clock; do what it does. Keep going" Sam Levenson

When you understand where your leads are placed in a funnel, you can adapt your outreach to suit one's individual buyer requirements. When you listen carefully to buyer responses you are in a better position to offer the appropriate information.  

Review Your Progress

The better educated and more informed you are on what works and what doesn't, the better your attempts to seal a deal would be. At the point when you take a gander at your change rates in general, you can pinpoint outreach strategies that have higher paces of achievement and success ratios. What usually works for one sales team doesn't really need to be working 100% for another. Make a strong effort to improve your weak areas and your entire sales process would definitely improve the odds. An in-depth peer-to-peer analysis in the weekly updates is a fundamental aptitude for salespeople who succeed. By looking into your advancement on a progressing workflow, you can comprehend your shaky areas and make 2x sales efforts to improve any process.

– Interns?

– *Change Agents? *

– Where are you on your social selling journey?

Try to work out the concerns with the entire sales team to put together an improved offering. You could even reach out to vendors or salespeople outside the company if you wish to obtain a fresh perspective on things. Before long, your new script will lead to increased sales numbers. Too many sales calls and meetings end with the client letting the salesperson know they need some time to think about things or consider their options.


Remember, not all of your sales leads would be converting to clients. Nothing happens in a flash. It takes time, and some leads can take months to make a buy-side decision. When  you build relationships with qualified prospects, you earn their trust. B2B conversions take time. Note: B2b sales require ongoing nurturing. They are unlike casual conversations that usually end with up abruptly, but convert to long-term sales. It more puts an emphasis on their willingness to purchase from your company.

"You miss 100% of shots you don’t take." -Wayne Gretzky

Generating sales leads for your company can be an expensive and time-consuming task. As such, you should do everything in your power to ensure none of these leads go to waste. In other words, you need to convert as many leads as possible into real sales.

If you can't make sales as an entrepreneur, you won't make it – and it's not just customers that you need to convince. When you're trying to get a buyer, you're essentially selling them the idea of your product/service. When you're trying to find partners, you're doing the same. Thus it's of the utmost importance that you keep your sales game strong, lest your company fall apart.

Due Diligence on Leads

Prior to contacting sales lead, a critical point is research. For increased B2B sales conversions, we don't recommend cold calls or sending random monkey-powered emails to leads who totally don't deserve. All these wasteful efforts can significanlty reduce conversion rates. From moving toward people with no purchasing parity to associating yourselves with organizations amidst a takeover, various components can impact your capacity to bring a deal to a close. It is always important to invest same amount of energy in lead investigations as you do on connecting with opportunities.

OPT-INs, Not Databases

Often it would be tempting when someone attempts to lure you with data. DATA is the new oil. FACT: No one will be more willing to share any lead details, unless you are investing in them, perhaps as far as we know, no business would share the details of their trade to anyone, esp. fellow competitors, and more specifically those in sales. All data like customers, suppliers, list-item wise cost prices and all related DATA are one's own proprietary.

And, if its being traded, chances are your information will soon be out in the market someday by someone in your own firm, who understood that client data is a trade-able asset. Stop encouraging companies which make revenues on selling other's identities. In a world where nothing comes for free, why invest in something that exploits your integrity? Ask your potential leads to signup. Make leads as OPT-INs. Put a marketing plan, and prove them why signing up with you, would bring them more business.

Push Through a No

There will be times when you are too certain that who you're talking to will gain from what you have to sell – and those are the times when you shouldn't take NO for an answer. Keep presenting them with information that shows off how much value you offer. However, there is a caveat, and that's sometimes walking away i s the right move. On occasion, it's better to let them sit on information and approach them at a later date, but that means you're biding your time, not going up.

*"You can't build a reputation on what you are going to do." *

You're going to hear your share of naysayers as an sales person. You may be able to shrug them off, but during the heat of the moment, when a sale is on the line, those doubts may come rushing out and cripple your abilities, It's best not to expose yourself to people who do nothing but attack your confidence and your skills. However, it's important to make a distinction between someone who wants to bring you down, and someone who really want to help.

Before you walk into a meeting with a prospective client, It is important you adequately prepare them for the discussion. This preparation could come in the form of a short video message, a presentation, or even a puzzle to solve. The intention here is to pass on some quick and interesting information that will leave any client curious about your products/services.

This will, in turn, make your meeting with the client run much more smoothly - increasing the likelihood that he or she will want to do business with you. Each and every marketing team delivers from a sales script. And, companies insist this script must be followed to a perfection, while others give their salespeople some room for improvisation. No matter which style your script takes on – if it is not delivering the expected results, you will need to revise your pitch.

Forget B2B or B2C, the quality of your leads is just one of many factors that are influencing sales conversion rate when you sell your products/services. We are introducing a product called LEADZILA, which does just that. Keep reading for more! Share this listicle with your team to maximize their sales opportunities. And, do subscribe to UILO.